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Millennium Auto Influences Higher Sales Through 'Viral' Content
Published on
June 5, 2024
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Millennium is a well-known car dealership in their community. Even though they had a great reputation and loyal customers, they wanted to attract more people and sell more cars. They needed a new way to reach more folks and get them interested in their cars.

Millennium Auto of Baton Rouge had been in operation for 2 years before contacting us. They’d already managed to build a rock solid brand for those close by, but were stuck trying to expand outside their immediate market.

After a couple of conversations in Jan 2021 with the DealerSmart team, they knew exactly what had gone wrong, and which direction they needed to head. 

Relying on word of mouth and referrals had served them very well up to a point. But in order to increase their 1st party lead traffic and sales, they had to:

  • Find a way to capture their unique personality in a way that influences buying decisions 
  • Then broadcast that to as many people as possible in an engaging way

Fast forward 3 years and they’re all over the internet, becoming ‘Local Celebrities’ with a brand stretching much further than they could have ever predicted. With traffic and sales both increasing to a level far above their historic average.

The Challenge

Millennium faced two main problems:

  1. Reaching New People: They needed to find new customers in different places and different types of people.
  1. Getting People Interested: Traditional ads weren't working well enough. They needed something exciting to grab people's attention and make them want to visit the dealership or call in.

The Solution

Millennium teamed up with DealerSmart, an omnipresent marketing company for car dealerships. DealerSmart suggested creating fun and interesting content to get people excited about Millennium. Here’s what they did:

  1. Ads Everywhere: They ran ads on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Google.
  1. Cool Content: They made videos showing their cars, happy customers, and behind-the-scenes looks at the dealership.

We were upfront with Millenium Auto that if they wanted to drive genuine business growth that lasted long term, nothing was going to happen quickly. So over the course of 6-12 months, Millennium Auto gradually and consistently grew their brand awareness, lot traffic, and sales volume following the 2 pillars of our ‘1st Party Lead System’:

  1. ‘Viral’ Content: We helped them make strategically engaging videos showing their cars, happy customers, behind the scenes, and comedic skits that was able to build strong levels of trust between their dealership and potential customers. (could show a gif of the car father video below)
  1. Omnipresence: We then took their content and pushed it via paid advertising on the 5 biggest platforms on the internet: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Google.

How They Did It

Here’s the plan Millennium and DealerSmart followed:

  1. Research: They figured out what their potential customers liked and where they spent their time online.
  1. Creating Videos: They made lots of fun videos for each platform, showing off their cars, sharing customer stories, and offering special deals.
  1. Sharing Everywhere: They used DealerSmart’s tools to make sure these videos were seen all over the internet.

The Results

The new strategy worked wonders:

  1. More Views: Lots of people watched their videos, bringing in new potential customers. Over 5 Million Impressions in the year 
  1. Higher Engagement: People interacted more with Millennium’s content, asking questions and visiting the dealership. They haven't only created Killer ads but they started to create organic content all across their social media to influence more customers and build quality trust and relationships. 
  1. Increased Sales: More people visited, called, and sent inquiries online, leading to more influenced car sales over time. In the last 90 days they have influenced 31% of total sales in the last 90 days have been influenced by their omni ads. 

Successful Videos


By creating exciting content and using DealerSmart's smart marketing tools, Millennium Car Dealership reached more people and sold more cars. Their fun videos got people interested and led to more sales. This case shows how powerful good content and smart marketing can be for car dealerships.

Using our 1st Party Lead System, Millenium Auto’s brand steadily grew out of their immediate community and into the much wider market. Influencing higher traffic and sales volume year on year:

  • 5 Million Impressions Within 1 Year
  • Much Higher Community Engagement
  • And Increased Sales (31%+ attributed to their growing ‘Omnipresence’)

Schedule a Call With Our Team

If you want to learn how we can do this for your dealership, click the link down below to schedule a call with our team for a FREE 30 minute ad strategy call.

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