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Wiz Auto

Case Study: Wiz Auto - Driving 41 Sales With 'Viral' Content
Published on
June 5, 2024
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Wiz Auto, a used car dealership, found a smart way to boost sales using DealerSmart. By creating ads that kept potential costumes top of mind. Wiz Auto reached a lot of people and saw great results over the last 90 days. They got 443,848 views, 529 potential buyers, and 41 actual sales through Facebook and Instagram. With each sale costing only $206.26, Wiz Auto proved that exciting content and good ads can help a dealership grow by keeping customers interested and guiding them through the buying process.

Wiz Auto approached us in November 2022 in a dire situation… They were completely dependent on referrals, repeat customers and 3rd party lead sites for car sales. Meaning they had no control over their growth, and were at the mercy of the market and their lead providers.

Fast forward to June 2024, and Wiz Auto now has complete control over their monthly volume independent of 3rd party leads or referrals. How? They’ve built a system that can turn $206 into 1 influenced car sale* consistently and at scale (*based on the last 90 days).

What Happened?

Wiz Auto were sick and tired of not feeling like they had any control. Sure they could try to improve their CSI in hopes of more referrals, or sift through more lead providers trying to find one they didn’t hate. But they knew they needed more.

They reached out to us to try and get some direction, and on our call we actually found multiple areas their team was already doing an amazing job on. But we also found their core problem… they had zero online presence. And this was what we had them focus on.

2 Simple Action Steps:

Firstly, DealerSmart worked closely with Wiz Auto to learn what potential customers liked, wanted, and needed. This helped them create the kind of ‘Viral’ content that really resonated with people.

Then, using this content designed to positively influence Meta’s algorithm, we were able to quickly find the right people, in the right demographic, in the right audience… and their ads took off from there. Helping Wiz not just build a strong local brand, but also generating high levels of 1st Party Lead traffic, appointments, and influencing actual car sales.

Then, combining this kind of ‘Viral’ content with paid ads is where the real growth happened. They were able to quickly show their brand to the right people, in the right demographic, in the right audience… and their sales took off from there.


Wiz Auto’s content strategy led to amazing results in the last 90 days:

  • 443,848 Impressions: A lot of people saw their content, boosting their visibility and brand awareness.

  • 529 Qualified Shoppers: Their engaging content turned many viewers into potential buyers.

  • 43 Influenced Sales: The smart use of content and ads resulted in 41 influenced sales from Facebook and Instagram.

  • Cost Efficiency: At $206.26 per sale, their strategy was a cost-effective way to drive more sales.


Wiz Auto needed to stand out and connect with people who might buy cars. Old-school ads weren't working as well anymore. Wiz Auto wanted a fresh, engaging way to reach people. They aimed to make content that would keep them in people's minds and get potential buyers to visit the dealership, call, check out their website, or send in their details.

Lack of control over quality. Lack of control over volume. Lack of control over price. Wiz Auto

Strategy Development

DealerSmart worked closely with Wiz Auto to learn what potential customers liked, wanted, and needed. This helped them create content that clicked with people. By using Meta’s algorithm and our media buying team, we were able to find the right audience, and their ads took off from there. This method helped dealerships like Wiz Auto see great sales numbers.


Content Creation: Wiz Auto made different types of content to stay memorable. They used DealerSmart's three-part strategy: informative, testimonial, and entertaining content. They created videos, and provided high-quality images, and stayed active on social media.

Using Facebook and Instagram: Wiz Auto ran targeted ad campaigns to reach more people. DealerSmart made sure Wiz Auto’s content, brand, and inventory were always in front of potential buyers. Regular updates, eye-catching visuals, and fun content helped keep a strong online presence and encouraged people to take action.


DealerSmart’s senior media team worked daily on making their ads even better. They adjusted strategies to improve sales and in the future planned to expand their efforts across social media and Google. This way, they could reach customers everywhere


Wiz Auto’s content strategy led to amazing results in the last 90 days:

  • 443,848 Impressions: A lot of people saw their content, boosting their visibility and brand awareness.

  • 529 Qualified Leads: Their engaging content turned many viewers into potential buyers.

  • 43 Influenced Sales: The smart use of content and ads resulted in 41 influenced sales from Facebook and Instagram.

  • Cost Efficiency: At $206.26 per sale, their strategy was a cost-effective way to drive sales compared to old-fashioned ads.


Wiz Auto's success shows how powerful good content can be in boosting sales and getting customers involved. By understanding what their audience wanted, making relevant content, and using social media smartly, the dealership not only became more visible but also gained many leads and influenced many others to take action.

Schedule a Call With Our Team

If you want to learn how we can do this for your dealership, click the link down below to schedule a call with our team for a FREE 30 minute ad strategy call.

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